Replica Rolex Daytona Rainbow 116598 And 116599, the 40mm enamel case is water-resistant to 100 meters. It is a perfect example of perfect proportion and elegance. The unique middle case is made of 18ct solid gold. The two biggest points of the watch are the colorful gems of the bezel. These gemstones are full of colorful colors. Rolex has carefully selected exquisite gemstones, and the combination is inlaid together to give the watch a strange brilliance. More replica Rolex Daytona watches.

Replica Rolex Daytona Rainbow 116598 And 116599

The color of the replica Rolex Daytona Rainbow chronograph is in sharp contrast with the black dial and complements the color of the gems. These unique chronograph discs are cast in 18ct gold alloy by Rolex in their own foundry. The fascinating reflections and magnificent colors fully demonstrate the beautiful structure of the gold crystal. The gold crystal of each timepiece is unique, and each piece is a natural masterpiece.

The replica Rolex Daytona Rainbow watch’s lugs, shoulder pads and hour markers are also inlaid with gemstones. The crown also continues the patented three-lock waterproof system. Like the chronograph button, it is firmly screwed on the case and has Rolex. Symbol of the Crown Logo. Made of 18ct gold, the strap is equipped with a shackle-type safety buckle that prevents accidental opening. This elegant solid chain strap is patented by Rolex for comfortable wearing and easy operation. It also has a sophisticated Easylink chain. The system makes it easy to adjust the strap length of about 5 mm.

At 30 o’clock, the 30-minute chronograph dial, the classic replica Rolex Daytona is the timing layout in the history of the chronograph and the Omega Speedmaster series can become the ancestor of the chronograph, and also the leader of the chronograph. The red chronograph hands are brightly coloured and the readings are much easier. The nine o’clock position is a twelve hour chronograph dial. The six o’clock position is a small seconds dial. As mentioned in the previous article, the Jinjing chronograph is made of 18ct gold alloy, which is made by Rolex in its own foundry, each of which is unique orphan. The nine o’clock position is a twelve hour chronograph dial.